A few ways to help detox the body
By: Chase Line
Published: April 6th, 2022
Feeling unmotivated lately? Maybe you've experienced what I like to call foggy brained, which is when it seems like you aren't able to think clearly about anything or even hold your concentration like you used to. Your mind and body are at a stage of complacency and this can be due to unwanted toxins storing up inside your body over a long period of time.
When you have been eating a similar diet or have been abusing substances like caffeine or nicotine over time these toxins can be stored in the body and often times leads to feelings of sluggishness or loss of motivation. So, how can we rid our body's of these toxins? DETOX!
What is a Detox cleanse?
A detox cleanse usually refers to a short period of time where your diet changes dramatically to assist your body with getting rid of unwanted toxins.
Detox cleanses have gains lots of traction over recent years and for good reason, they work, at least to an extent. Now not all detox cleanses are affective however, and they all depend on how consistent you are with your diet and detox efforts. In addition, these detox methods will effect everyone differently as everyone has different levels of unwanted toxins already stored in their system.
Popular cleansing strategies
There are many different types of cleanses which can all be beneficial to your body in different ways. Here are some manageable and popular cleansing strategies that personally helped me:
Limiting alcohol intake
Focus on sleep
Drinking larger amounts of water
Reducing your intake of sugars and processed foods
Eat anti-oxidant rich foods
Eat foods with high prebiotics
Decreasing salt intake
Exercising more
Sweat it out
The bad news is, detoxing can be extremely difficult, especially when your body is so used to habitually taking the same types of food and chemicals over a long period of time. Once your body gets accustomed to something it becomes addictive or dependent on these things. A great example is a cup of coffee in the morning, I think most of us can relate. So you may be asking yourself, "what things can help me stay consistent to a detox cleanse?".
tips to stick to your detox
Going on a diet in general is something your body is not used to and will create urges and discomfort to a degree. This is all part of the process, no one said it would be easy.
Here are some helpful tips to keep you on track:
Minimize temptation
If you are aware of what you buy at the grocery store or where your temptations stem from, then avoid buying these triggering foods, drinks and snacks.
Get organized
Clean out your pantry of items in which you crave the most. Stay on track and organize your life in order to avoid unwanted temptations. You know your triggers, so do your best to eliminate distractions and stay on course.
Don't starve yourself
Just because you are on a "diet" doesn't mean you need to go hungry. In fact, depriving yourself of food will only make these temptations even more tempting. Eat until satisfied, remember its not about how much you eat, it's about what you eat.
Plan ahead
If your temptations come outside of the house, like on your commute to work or at social events. Plan ahead, if you know that Starbucks coffee is going to be your downfall then try a different route to work and avoid foreseen temptations.
Sugar cravings
If you have a sweet tooth like me, try substituting sweets with something more feasible and healthy, like fruits or smoothies. Smoothies are a great way to pack healthy nutrients into a sweet filling shake!
Avoid peer pressure
Most of us know what it's like to feel peer pressured and sometimes it's almost impossible to ignore. Avoid situations in which you know you will feel pressured in having a social drink or two.
Keep yourself occupied
The most common reason why people break their diets is because of sheer boredom. when we are bored we crave what we are most comfortable with, like comfort foods and substances which can back track us in our detoxing efforts.
In Conclusion
There are many different types of detox diets and strategies in order to get rid of unwanted toxins. Is there a proven one that will work for you? The short and simple answer is no... In fact studies are inconclusive in how effective these detox diets actually are.
With that being said, I can only speak to my personal experience with these types of diets and in my experience these types of diets significantly improved my mood and overall psychological performance. I can confidently say that these types of diets helped me feel more energized and focused throughout the day and allowed me to increase my willpower when it comes to trying other diets and breaking difficult habits.
Making small changes in your diet can help in many ways, including being more energized and focused throughout the day. Let me know which diets have helped you in the past so I can incorporate that in my daily routine. Exposing your body to different foods and nutrients allows you to overcome bad habits and opens up new psychological experiences which can help you see life in a different light.